In your office, a phone is ringing. A customer is calling to ask a question about services your company provides. But who answers the phone? And how do they answer the phone? I hope the answer is with an upbeat voice ...
It’s been said that a little personality can go a long way. I think that’s true, and it really goes beyond just bringing in more customers. Sometimes, establishing a voice can lend credibility to your brand and turn the casual cus...
I heard a program on the radio the other day where the newscaster was interviewing business owners about how the user-review website Yelp has affected business. The main reaction I heard was fear—fe...
Contact: Steven Jolly Date: January 20, 2011 Phone: 214-528-5775 E-mail: For Immediate Release Marketing Communications Agency Adds New Member to Team Dallas-bas...
Even the best Tarot Card readers have trouble predicting the future, and business owners aren’t often known as world-class prognosticators. However, diligently recording data and performance can tell us a lot about what our bottom l...